Transportation research journals
The recent ranking of transportation journals by its IF in TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.
NO. | Journal name | Total Citations | 2021 JIF | JIF Quartile | Category |
1 | eTransportation | 938 | 13.661 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
2 | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine | 2,803 | 13.609 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
3 | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 6,723 | 10.066 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
4 | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | 14,709 | 10.047 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
5 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | 30,895 | 9.551 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
6 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 24,169 | 9.022 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
7 | Vehicular Communications | 1,608 | 8.373 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
8 | Transportation Research Part B: Methodological | 18,249 | 7.632 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
9 | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | 16,701 | 7.041 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
10 | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 20,124 | 6.615 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
11 | IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification | 4,400 | 6.519 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
12 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 42,493 | 6.239 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
13 | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine | 2,021 | 5.293 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
14 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | 1,666 | 5.009 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
15 | Transportation Science | 8,090 | 4.898 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
16 | Transportation | 6,757 | 4.814 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
17 | International Journal of Engine Research | 4,085 | 3.874 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
18 | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 1,830 | 3.839 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
19 | European Transport Research Review | 1,540 | 3.817 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
20 | Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics | 704 | 3.410 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
21 | Transportmetrica A-Transport Science | 1,533 | 3.277 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
22 | Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research | 1,225 | 2.844 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
23 | International Journal of Rail Transportation | 503 | 2.759 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
24 | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 3,327 | 2.568 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
25 | Networks and Spatial Economics | 1,681 | 2.484 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
26 | IET Electrical Systems in Transportation | 660 | 2.387 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
27 | Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B-Pavements | 591 | 2.279 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
28 | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 4,133 | 2.249 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
29 | International Journal of Vehicle Design | 1,012 | 2.037 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
30 | Transportation Research Record | 35,097 | 2.019 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
31 | Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A-Systems | 973 | 1.930 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
32 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit | 3,028 | 1.870 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
33 | Transportation Planning and Technology | 1,375 | 1.845 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
34 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering | 4,342 | 1.828 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
35 | International Journal of Automotive Technology | 2,140 | 1.557 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
36 | Transport | 1,148 | 1.455 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
37 | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport | 618 | 1.121 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
38 | Promet-Traffic & Transportation | 659 | 0.909 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
39 | ITE Journal - Institute of Transportation Engineers | 472 | 0.716 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
40 | International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems | 250 | 0.568 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - SCIE |
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In the Category of TRANSPORTATION.
NO. | Journal name | Total Citations | 2021 JIF | JIF Quartile | Category |
1 | Journal of Public Transportation | 1,056 | 37.667 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
2 | Analytic Methods in Accident Research | 2,203 | 14.556 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
3 | Transport Reviews | 5,341 | 10.185 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
4 | Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review | 14,709 | 10.047 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
5 | Transportation Research Part B-Methodological | 18,249 | 7.632 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
6 | Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment | 16,701 | 7.041 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
7 | Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice | 20,124 | 6.615 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
8 | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 30,168 | 6.376 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
9 | Transport Policy | 10,813 | 6.173 | Q1 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
10 | Journal of Transport Geography | 13,828 | 5.899 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
11 | Travel Behaviour and Society | 1,981 | 5.850 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
12 | Journal of Air Transport Management | 6,036 | 5.428 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
13 | Transportation Science | 8,090 | 4.898 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
14 | Transportation | 6,757 | 4.814 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
15 | Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour | 9,876 | 4.349 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
16 | Research in Transportation Business and Management | 1,949 | 4.286 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
17 | Journal of Safety Research | 5,737 | 4.264 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
18 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | 2,618 | 3.963 | Q2 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
19 | Maritime Economics & Logistics | 1,192 | 3.841 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
20 | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 1,830 | 3.839 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
21 | European Transport Research Review | 1,540 | 3.817 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
22 | Journal of Transport & Health | 3,029 | 3.613 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
23 | Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics | 704 | 3.410 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
24 | Transportmetrica A-Transport Science | 1,533 | 3.277 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
25 | Maritime Policy & Management | 2,745 | 3.167 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
26 | Research in Transportation Economics | 2,617 | 2.904 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
27 | Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research | 1,225 | 2.844 | Q3 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
28 | Economics of Transportation | 400 | 2.829 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
29 | Journal of Transportation Safety & Security | 1,005 | 2.825 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
30 | Journal of Transport And Land Use | 1,369 | 2.739 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
31 | Mobilities | 2,157 | 2.574 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
32 | Traffic Injury Prevention | 3,940 | 2.183 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
33 | International Journal of Shipping And Transport Logistics | 415 | 1.264 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
34 | European Journal of Transport And Infrastructure Research | 807 | 1.244 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
35 | Transportation Journal | 637 | 1.241 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
36 | Journal of Transport Economics And Policy | 1,213 | 0.613 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
37 | International Journal of Transport Economics | 245 | 0.262 | Q4 | TRANSPORTATION - SSCI |
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No. | Journal name | Total Citations | 2021 JIF | JIF Quartile | Category |
1 | Technovation | 9,106 | 11.373 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
2 | International Journal of Production Economics | 36,540 | 11.251 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
3 | Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review | 14,709 | 10.047 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
4 | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | 8,146 | 9.498 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
5 | International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics | 956 | 9.040 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
6 | International Journal of Production Research | 34,466 | 9.018 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
7 | Omega-International Journal of Management Science | 14,575 | 8.673 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
8 | Expert Systems with Applications | 64,974 | 8.665 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
9 | Mathematical Programming Computation | 1,294 | 8.059 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
10 | Transportation Research Part B-Methodological | 18,249 | 7.632 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
11 | Reliability Engineering & System Safety | 26,227 | 7.247 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
12 | M&Som-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management | 6,060 | 7.103 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
13 | Decision Support Systems | 15,272 | 6.969 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
14 | Production Planning & Control | 7,048 | 6.846 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
15 | Journal of Operations Management | 13,465 | 6.720 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
16 | Safety Science | 21,659 | 6.392 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
17 | European Journal of Operational Research | 71,664 | 6.363 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
18 | Management Science | 50,368 | 6.172 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
19 | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | 1,393 | 5.274 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
20 | Computers & Operations Research | 18,486 | 5.159 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
21 | Transportation Science | 8,090 | 4.898 | Q1 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
22 | Annals of Operations Research | 15,306 | 4.820 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
23 | Ieee Systems Journal | 11,698 | 4.802 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
24 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences | 3,359 | 4.641 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
25 | Production and Operations Management | 10,966 | 4.638 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
26 | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3,069 | 4.420 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
27 | Operations Research | 18,193 | 3.924 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
28 | International Transactions in Operational Research | 3,547 | 3.610 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
29 | Memetic Computing | 814 | 3.577 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |
30 | International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making | 1,705 | 3.508 | Q2 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE - SCIE |